Our Services


Lobbying members and committees of Congress can be crucial for achieving your organization’s goals. Members of Congress are responsible for passing laws that can have a significant impact on your industry or cause, and committees play a key role in shaping legislation before it reaches the full House or Senate. By building relationships with these decision-makers and providing them with valuable information, Fein & Curley can influence the legislative process in your favor.

To effectively lobby members and committees of Congress, it is important to do your research and understand their priorities and interests. Fein & Curley can make a compelling case for your position and provide evidence to support your arguments. Building a coalition of supporters and allies can also increase your influence and help you achieve your goals.

The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. It serves as the center of the Executive Branch and plays a crucial role in shaping policy decisions. Lobbying the White House can be an effective way to influence policy, but it requires a deep understanding of the administration’s priorities and key players.

To successfully lobby the White House, it’s important to identify the individuals who have the most influence over policy decisions. This includes not only the President and Vice President, but also top advisors, cabinet members, and other staff members. By building relationships with these key players and framing your arguments in a way that aligns with the administration’s goals, you can increase your chances of success.

Lobbying members and staff of the Executive Branch can be an effective way to influence policy decisions. By building relationships with key players in the White House and various agencies, lobbyists can gain access to decision-makers and make their voices heard.

To effectively lobby the Executive Branch, it’s important to understand the structure of the administration and identify the key players who have the most influence over policy decisions. This includes not only the President and Vice President, but also top advisors, agency heads, and other staff members.

One strategy for successful lobbying is to focus on specific issues or policies that align with the administration’s priorities. By framing your arguments in a way that shows how your interests support the administration’s goals, you can increase your chances of success.

Another important aspect of lobbying the Executive Branch is building relationships with key staff members. These individuals often have significant influence over policy decisions and can be valuable allies in advocating for your interests.

Overall, lobbying the Executive Branch can be a complex and challenging process, but by understanding the structure of the administration and building relationships with key players, Fein & Curley can effectively advocate for your interests and influence policy decisions.

Lobbying executive agencies such as the SEC, Federal Reserve, FCC, OCC, and FEC is significant for any organization that wants to influence policy decisions. These agencies have the power to make rules and regulations that can have a major impact on businesses and industries. By lobbying these agencies, organizations can ensure that their interests are taken into account when new policies are being developed.

To effectively lobby executive agencies, Fein & Curley, researches and understands the agency’s priorities and decision-making process. Building relationships with key staff members and officials can also be helpful in gaining access and influencing decisions. Fein & Curley will be prepared with data and evidence to support well-crafted arguments and proposals.

In order to develop a winning strategy, it is essential to identify potential political allies and adversaries. The Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), Business Roundtable, and American Petroleum Institute are all organizations that have significant influence in the political arena. By understanding their positions on key issues, businesses can better align themselves with like-minded groups and build coalitions to achieve their goals.

However, it is also important to be aware of potential adversaries who may oppose your business interests. By identifying these groups and understanding their positions, businesses can better anticipate challenges and proactively address them. This can help prevent unexpected roadblocks and increase the chances of success.

At Fein & Curley, we work with the client to identify and document Allies and Adversaries, as well as Opportunities and Threats, from which they find and leverage a winning game plan and strategy.

When your organization faces a crisis that threatens its reputation, operations, or bottom line, turn to Fein & Curley for unparalleled Crisis Mitigation Services. Our dedicated team of seasoned professionals specializes in managing and alleviating critical situations with precision and tact.

Artifacts & Tools

In order to develop a winning strategy, it is essential to identify potential political allies and adversaries. The Chamber of Commerce, NAM, Business Roundtable, and American Petroleum Institute are all organizations that have significant influence in the political arena. By understanding their positions on key issues, businesses can better align themselves with like-minded groups and build coalitions to achieve their goals.

However, it is also important to be aware of potential adversaries who may oppose your business interests. By identifying these groups and understanding their positions, businesses can better anticipate challenges and proactively address them. This can help prevent unexpected roadblocks and increase the chances of success.

Fein & Curley, work with the client to identify and document Allies and Adversaries as well as Opportunities and Threats from which they find and leverage a winning game plan and strategy.

Proposing legislation, executive orders, and agency rules is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of the political landscape and the legislative process. The first step that Fein & Curley does in proposing legislation is to identify a problem or issue that needs to be addressed. This can be done by conducting research, consulting with experts, and gathering data.

Once a problem has been identified, the next step is to draft a bill or proposal. This involves writing the text of the proposal, outlining its goals and objectives, and identifying potential supporters and opponents. It is important to consult with stakeholders and other interested parties during this stage to ensure that the proposal is well-received and has the best chance of success.

The success of any digital initiative is often dependent on the legal framework within which it operates. Legislation plays a crucial role in shaping the digital landscape, and companies must be aware of the laws that govern their operations. This includes regulations around data privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and online content. By staying up-to-date with legislation, businesses can ensure compliance and avoid costly legal battles.

However, legislation can also present opportunities for businesses. For example, new laws may create new markets or incentivize innovation. Companies that are able to navigate the legal landscape effectively can gain a competitive advantage and position themselves for long-term success.

Litigation and recruitment are powerful tools for lobbying efforts. By recruiting former members of Congress, Executive officials, university or think tank experts, and private allies, an organization can gain valuable insights and connections that can be leveraged to achieve their goals.

Litigation can also be a useful tool for influencing policy. By filing lawsuits, organizations can draw attention to important issues and force policymakers to take action. Litigation can also be used to challenge existing laws or regulations that are unfavorable to the organization’s interests.

Commenting on proposed agency rules is an essential part of the rulemaking process under the Administrative Procedure Act. It provides an opportunity for interested parties to provide feedback and suggestions on proposed rules, which may ultimately shape the final rule.

To effectively comment on proposed agency rules, Fein & Curley thoroughly review the proposed rule and identify areas where you have concerns or suggestions, and provides specific examples and data to support your thoughts. Additionally, consider collaborating with other interested parties to amplify your message and increase the likelihood of your comments being taken seriously.

Media is a key influencer of public opinion and conversation. In today’s digital world, traditional and online media outlets allow news and information to spread quickly and to a broader range of people. However, this also brings the risks of misinformation and echo chambers. Therefore, it is essential to understand these dynamics for successful communication and engagement.

Fein & Curley are delighted to provide you with comprehensive guidance on the field of media and communications, which is of paramount importance in today’s interconnected world. As a lobbying firm located in the heart of Washington, D.C., we understand the significance of effective media strategies and communications in shaping public opinion, influencing policy decisions, and fostering productive relationships between stakeholders.

Digital technologies have revolutionized media and communications, providing new channels for information sharing and audience engagement. Social media, streaming services, and emerging technologies like AI offer vast potential for messaging and segmentation. Fein and Curley stay technologically current and use these developments to boost visibility, advocacy, and stakeholder engagement.


Experience & Excellence

Fein & Curley is a force to be reckoned with in the political arena. With over 100 years of experience and expertise, we have a deep understanding of how the DC system works and how to navigate storms successfully. Our team of professionals knows how to build relationships, craft persuasive arguments, and influence decision-makers at all levels of government.

This seasoned lobbying and advocacy firm’s track record speaks for itself. We have helped numerous clients achieve their goals, whether it’s securing funding for a new project, changing legislation to benefit their industry, or simply gaining access to key decision-makers. Our approach includes strategic planning and tactical implementation of results-driven deliverables. Fein & Curley is committed to delivering quantifiable successful results to our clients every step of the way.